Workshop & Literary Event - Wednesday 12 May 2021
Workshop – The Shape of a Story with Pippa Kay
Time: 10:15 am to 12:00 pm
Place: Dixson Room, State Library of NSW
Cost: Members $35, non-members $45
Whether you’re a ‘plotter’ or a ‘pantser’, writing fiction or non-fiction, you need some structure to the story you are telling. We’ll explore ways to pull your reader into the story on page one, build a bridge to span the middle and resolve the story at its end.
Pippa Kay is an award-winning short story writer and has won Society of Women Writers National Writing Awards three times. Her book of collected short stories, Keeping it in the Family, won the Fiction Award in 2018.
Member Bites
Time: 12:45 pm to 1:00 pm
Place: Dixson Room, State Library of NSW
Five Society members will talk for three minutes each about their latest book/project – you never know which will appeal to your personal style or imagination. Books will be available for purchase.

Keynote Speaker - Susannah Fullerton OAM FRSN - Reading one’s way through COVID
Time: 12:45 pm to 2:30 pm
Place: Dixson Room, State Library of NSW
Cost: Members $20, non-members $35
Susannah is a Canadian-born Australian author and literary historian. She has been President of the Jane Austen Society of Australia for more than 25 years and is the author of several books about Jane Austen, as well as Brief Encounters: Literary Travellers in Australia. Susannah has written and recorded two audio CDs.
Susannah is a popular speaker about famous writers and their works, and leads literary tours in Australia and overseas.
Her free monthly newsletter is Notes from a Book Addict.
Book and pay:
Discount for full program (workshop and keynote) when booked together: Members $50, non-members $75
(a) Credit card: https://www.trybooking.com/BPJDR
(b) Direct debit:
The Society of Women Writers NSW Inc
BSB: 062 018
Account: 00950433
Code: VM (for Keynote Speaker) or VMW (for Workshop)
Email Amanda Mark - amanda.mark@mintegrity.com.au – with your name, receipt number and date of event