Women’s Ink! is the official member magazine of The Society of Women Writers NSW. It contains articles and industry interviews alongside our members’ creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, book reviews, commentary, knowledge-sharing and more.
We aim to empower women writers and showcase their work.
To receive Women’s Ink!, please sign up for membership by completing the downloadable Membership Application form found on the Membership page and send to the Membership Secretary as indicated on the form.
* For members: Before submitting, please read our Submission Guidelines below:
Submission Guidelines for Women’s Ink! Magazine
Please review these guidelines carefully to ensure you are submitting your article or news for the correct publication.
When is Women’s Ink! Magazine published?
Women’s Ink! magazine publishes 3 issues a year.
Spring/Summer (November)
Autumn (March)
Winter (July)
Who does it go to?
A copy is sent to members in print form and digitally.
What does Women’s Ink! include?
Women’s Ink! includes articles, essays, interviews, Q&As, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, book reviews, commentary and more. Whilst our focus is on writing and writers, articles on a range of topics are welcome.
Who can submit?
Any current financial member can submit their work to Women’s Ink!.
How to submit (for content other than Book Reviews):
It is up to members to submit content for Women’s Ink!. Please submit:
1. Via email with your article as an attachment in Times New Roman 12 point.
2. Include as the subject of your email: (Your Name) Submission for Women’s Ink!
3. Your article (up to 100, 200, 350, 650 and 1000 words – if you would like to submit a longer piece, please contact the editor in advance)
4. Any images you’d like included in .jpg
5. Links to your website and social media and any other relevant links
6. 1-2 sentence mini bio
Submit to the editor via email.
Submission cut-off dates for 2025–2026
15 May 2025 (Winter 2025)
15 September 2025 (Spring/Summer 2025)
15 January 2026 (Autumn 2026)
15 May 2026 (Winter 2026)
For Book Reviews:
To have your book reviewed or to write a review of someone else’s book, please email our Book Review Editor, Dr Susan Steggall.
Please note, cut off dates for submission of book reviews may be different to the rest of the magazine.
Please feel free to get in touch to suggest ideas for the magazine.
We aim to publish as many member submissions as possible however this depends on the space available within the magazine.
Please note your work may be edited.
Editor: Janette Conway
Book Review Editor: Dr Susan Steggall
Design and Layout: Janette Conway
Printer: BA Printing Pty Ltd, Brookvale