Become a Member

Membership to the Society automatically includes a subscription to our magazine Women’s Ink!, issued three times per year, a monthly e-Newsletter, access to the Members Area of this website and publicity within the SWW NSW network.

Membership costs:

  • Full $75 pa (plus $25 initial joining fee) total $100 – code MF

  • Concession (Pension and Student Cards ONLY) and Regional *$60 pa (plus $25 initial joining fee) total $85 – code MC
    (Regional applies to people who permanently reside outside postcodes 1000-2249 and 2745-2770)

You can download the Membership Application Form below – please scroll down to the bottom of this article – simply download the form, save it, then complete the details and attach it to an email. A pdf copy is provided should you wish to print and complete a hard copy.
Please read the Membership Terms and Conditions before signing the Application Form.
If you wish to have the form mailed or emailed to you, please email SWW Membership Secretary at to arrange.

Pay by credit card: – Please note this is the preferred method for payment.
A receipt will be automatically generated by TryBooking and emailed to you.

Direct Debit: Account name – The Society of Women Writers NSW
BSB: 062 018  Account: 00950433
(in the description, please provide your first-name initial, surname and relevant code)


Renew your Membership

Please do not use the Renewal Form if you are applying to become a new member of The Society.

SWW Membership Renewals are due by 1 July 2025. Renew before 1 September to avoid additional payment when you do decide to renew.
Continue to take advantage of the benefits and opportunities The Society has to offer:

♦  Free subscription to our tri-annual magazine Women’s Ink!
♦  Monthly e-News
♦  Publicity within the SWW network
♦  Awards and recognition
♦  Invitations to events including Literary Events and Workshops
♦  Writing competitions
♦  Access to excusive Members Only area on The Society’s website 

This year, we are trying to streamline the renewal process and eliminate the need for you to fill in a form. Subscription fees and payment options are below:

Full membership: $75 pa – code MRF

Concessional (Pensioners and Students ONLY) and Regional: $60 pa – code MRC
(Regional applies to those members who permanently reside outside postcodes 1000-2249 and 2745-2770)

Pay by credit card: - Please note this is the preferred method for payment.
A receipt will be automatically generated by TryBooking and emailed to you.

Direct Debit: Account name – The Society of Women Writers NSW
BSB: 062 018  Account: 00950433
(in the description, please provide your first-name initial, surname and relevant code)

You may of course complete and return the Membership Renewal Form – please scroll down to the bottom of this article to download. If your details have changed, please complete this form and email it to:
    Membership Secretary

All the best for a fruitful writing journey in 2025-2026.

