
The Society’s AGM will be held on 14 August 2024. The annual reports will be emailed to you in the near future but, in the meantime, you might like to use the Nomination Form below to put yourself or another member forward for a role on the committee.

Our Society is exceptional in that it is the only literary society in Australia that has continuously provided events and support for women during its almost 100 years. It’s an exciting time to be involved as we plan for our centenary in 1925 and beyond.  

Every SWW member has something to offer. If you’re unsure of how the committee works or how you can help, please speak with a current committee member. Don’t know who they are? Click here to Meet the Team.

Positions available are: 

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Membership Secretary
  • Website Administrator
  • Workshop Coordinator
  • Centenary Committee Coordinator
  • Committee Member
