1. The membership year is the period from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.
  2. Renewal fee is due every year on 1 July and payable until 30 September that same year.
  3. An administration fee of $5 is to accompany all membership renewals after 30 September.
  4. Members whose membership renewal is unpaid at 30 September will be removed from the members’ database. Further editions of Images will not be sent to non-financial members after this date.
  5. Non-financial members may be reinstated at any time after payment of the annual fee, plus the $5 administration fee.
  6. A once-only joining fee of $15 applies to all new membership applications.
  7. Membership fees, effective from 1 July 2011 onwards are:
    a)    Full membership – $55.00 per financial year;
    b)    Concession/Student membership – $45.00 per financial year.
  8. Members must provide a Pension or Student number to qualify for Concession/Student membership rate.
  9. The membership renewal fee for new members who join after 1st March will be due on 1st July of the following year.
  10. All members are required to notify the Membership Secretary of any change of details, including resignation from the Society of Women Writers NSW Inc.

Attendance at Luncheons

  1. Booking is essential before 10.00am on the Monday before the Wednesday luncheon meeting.
  2. The deadline for cancellation of bookings is 10.00am on the Monday before the Wednesday luncheon meeting.
  3. Members and non-members who don’t attend and haven’t cancelled by the deadline will be requested to pay for the meal they miss.
  4. Members electing to have their names on the Permanent Luncheon List are to sign an agreement whereby they must advise the Luncheon Booking Team before the deadline if they are unable to attend a luncheon. This agreement also states that members who fail to do so will be required to pay the full cost of the luncheon they did not attend.

The current Membership Terms and Conditions document was prepared and approved by the Committee on 13 March 2015.
